The Individualized Planning, Resource Development and Oversight (IPRDO) program supports varying groups to develop transition plans to MCCSS Transfer Payment Agencies (TPA).
The IPRDO program supports the continuation of an existing residential placement, while longer term planning within the Adult Developmental Service (DS) sector occurs. Residential placements with Outside Paid Resources (OPRs) are temporary until resources become available within the adult DS sector and/or a DS agency has capacity to plan for the prioritized persons.
Discharge and transition planning are requirements set out by placing agencies for both children’s licensed settings and adult placements. Discharge and transition planning are key components in supporting any future placements from both a children and adult perspective.
MCCSS will reach out to CLFE to see if we have capacity to assume the Quality Assurance Measures (QAM) oversight and brokerage function.
We provide planning and support resources for those individuals who have been prioritized for planning.
How does an individual become involved with the IPRDO team?
TPAs do not have current capacity to plan for those prioritized for Multi Year Residential Planning, such as inappropriately placed, those individuals in receipt of Complex Special Needs funding, Youth in Society Care
Developmental Service Ontario (DSO) approaches the IPRDO program for collaboration when there is a breakdown in existing arrangements and have exhausted all other options
Other regions approach our ministry representative and request our involvement