
The materials provided on clfe.ca are for educational and informative purposes only. Use of and reliance on any information or materials provided on this site is at your own risk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Select an item below to reveal more information. If you have a question and cannot find the answer below, please click here to email us a question.


What does it mean to self-isolate?

  • Self-isolation means staying at home when you are sick with COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone who has contracted the disease
  • Physically distance yourself from other people to help prevent the spread of disease to others in your home and community.
  • This is critical to “flatten the curve” of disease spread.
  • Self-isolation also applies to anyone returning from travel outside of Canada whether or not they have symptoms of COVID-19.

Mandatory Quarantine / Isolation

What if an employee shows up to work sick?

An order to remove oneself from any contact with others with possible legal consequences if that order is violated.

  • Employees who have flu-like symptoms or other signs of acute/severe respiratory illness, which include difficulty breathing, new cough or fever, should be sent home.

I’m not feeling well, what do I do?

An order to remove oneself from any contact with others, with possible legal consequences if that order is violated.

  • Stay home and self-isolate. If you are experiencing symptoms, including fever, new cough, difficulty breathing and other flu-like symptoms you should:
  • Self-monitor and inform your supervisor/manager.
  • Consult your primary health professional or Niagara Region Public Health.
  • If an employee is ill and not presumed to be at risk for COVID-19, they should refrain from going to work for a minimum of 24 hours after the symptoms have stopped. Acute respiratory illnesses and Influenza can circulate at any time during the year and these infectious diseases may also put individuals at CLFE at risk.

Compensation For Time Off Due to COVID-19

Questions about sick pay, paid and unpaid leaves and vacation days?

Employees are encouraged to contact the HR department to discuss and/or seek clarification regarding their specific circumstances and benefits.

If an employee must be away from work due to quarantine for COVID-19, is the employer under a legal obligation to pay the employee while s/he is off work?

  • No.
  • There is no legal obligation to continue an employee’s pay if s/he is unable to attend work due to illness or quarantine, unless a workplace policy or collective agreement provides otherwise.
  • However, these are unique times and employment provisions are being reviewed by Federal/Provincial governments.
  • Depending on the circumstances, the employee may be able to access short-term disability benefits if available, or Employment Insurance.

Refusal / Reluctance to Work

What if my employee expresses a concern about coming to work because of an underlying medical condition that puts them in a high-risk category?

The Public Health Agency of Canada suggests there is an increased risk of more severe outcomes for Canadians who are over the age 65, with compromised immune systems and who have underlying medical conditions. All employees should be aware of the preventative and protective measures implemented across CLFE, including the screening protocols in place, to ensure such risk is being mitigated. CLFE is following the recommended infection, prevention and control measures provided by experts including the Infection Prevention and Control Committee of Canada (IPAC), the World Health Organization, local and provincial public health agencies.

Other Return to Work Scenarios

I am not COVID-19 positive but I was having symptoms and stayed home. I’m feeling better, can I come to work?

An employee can return to work if s/he is free from symptoms for at least 24 hours and has not been advised by Niagara Region Public Health or their primary health care professional to stay away from the workplace.

I was off for an illness unrelated to COVID-19, can I come to work?

  • Yes.
  • Provided the employee is symptom free for 24 hours and, in the event of travel outside of Canada, completes the 14-day self-isolation period.

I was diagnosed with COVID-19 but I’m feeling better, can I come to work?

Not until you are no longer a risk, as determined by in collaboration with the Niagara Region Pubic Health.

Supporting Persons in Service and Programs

My staff has informed me that a person in service is ill. Now what?

  • Advise employees to follow usual protocols.
  • Provide them with protective equipment.
  • Provide guidelines regarding employees’ responsibility to separate the person from others in service and to seek medical attention through primary care professionals and Niagara Region Public Health on next steps.
  • Update your team and your manager regarding any advice from medical professionals.

Insurance Policy Coverage

Question about insurance benefits?

Employees are encouraged to contact the HR department to discuss and/or seek clarification regarding their specific circumstances and insurance benefits.

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